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Hello and welcome to another Blog from the Club Motel,

Our weeks are starting to get busier and busier with many people return to work and with that, come trips to Wagga and stays with us!

We have many guests here this week for the NSW Country Championships for Water Polo which is being played across the road at the Oasis Aquatic Centre, along with others going to training courses at Charles Sturt University.

For those hoping to escape the hot weather we are experiencing, the Wagga Oasis is still open for those looking to cool off. It is just across the road from us and a great way to exercise and wind down at the same time. For further information:

Maintenance Update:

Our vanity and shower screen update is again continuing, a long process but the results are fantastic. The project is around 65% complete, we hope you enjoy the updates.

As always we are seeking feedback good or bad on your stay here with us, so please feel free to fill in the feedback card and drop it into reception or leave it in your room. Your feedback helps us make further improvements to the rooms!

Have a great weekend

Club Motel Staff

Pete Swan

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